Cluster Fly Control Manchester

Cluster Fly Control
Cluster flies are commonly found throughout the UK, their name comes from their hibernation habits where they cluster together in large numbers, usually in buildings and especially in roof voids.
The life cycle of cluster flies depends entirely on the weather conditions. Here in the UK it is common for two generations to be found, however, in hot summers there can be up to four generations.
Cluster flies are field flies so during the summer and early autumn months they are of no concern. It is when the weather becomes cooler that they become troublesome, in an effort to keep warm the cluster flies will seek out buildings and houses to shelter in.
These flies will often bee seen clustered together in their thousands in lofts, roof spaces and other such hiding places.
Cluster flies have a tendency to use the same house or building to hibernate year after year.
In large numbers they are able to create a sticky smell, and if their surroundings become slightly warmer, they may start to fly around in a lethargic manner.
Cluster flies are attracted to light and this may attract them into the living area of a house, they can usually be spotted around windows.
Seeing large flies in your property during the winter months often causes property owners concern, however, other than being a nuisance the cluster fly isn’t known to cause risk to human health and their presence isn’t evidence of poor hygiene standards.
Treatment of Cluster Flies
In order to treat a cluster fly infestation a fog treatment using a specialist smoke generator or ULV machine of the affected area will be necessary and should be undertaken by a pest control company.
If you’re having problems with cluster flies then call Pest Control Manchester on 0161 210 2536 to arrange a survey.