Author - Andymanch2789

Keep Rats out of your Home or Business

  Keep Rats Out Of Your Home Or Business   Rats are active all year round, they do not hibernate in the winter months. With this said rats do seem to be more active during the winter months as they have to stockpile food and will be on the lookout for a warm dry place to nest for the winter. Rats are incredibly adaptable and have learned that living alongside humans can be...

Bed Bugs in Manchester

The Silent Resurgence: Unveiling the Rising Incidences of Bed Bugs

The Silent Resurgence: Unveiling the Rising Incidences of Bed Bugs In recent years, there has been a concerning and silent resurgence of bed bugs, tiny nocturnal pests that have become a nightmare for many households. While once thought to be a problem of the past, these blood-sucking insects have made a comeback, infesting homes, hotels, and even public spaces. The rising...

How to Keep Mice Out of Your Property

How To Keep Mice Away From Your Home or Business

  Mouse-Pest-Control-Manchester The last thing anyone wants is a mouse in their home or business. Aside from the startle they give you when you first see them they can also cause a lot of damage, chewed up papers and electrical wires which can lead to electrical fires, as well as contaminating food and spreading disease. Getting rid of a mouse...